Title: ~~~SOLD~~~American Bulldog .32 (Ref # 2250)
Homestead Firearms, Winchester, Remington, Colt Rifles of the Old West, antique firearms
Description: ~~~SOLD~~~American Bulldog pistol in .32 caliber. This antique 5-shot revolver is in excellent condition with over 95 percent original nickel covering on all metal surfaces. Bore is excellent and grips original with logo and checkering still crisp.
Old Winchester firearms, or Remington, Colt, Marlin, Savage - Homestead Firearms, Appraisals, Consignments, FFL Services
Keywords: PISTOLS ~~~SOLD~~~American Bulldog .32 (Ref # 2250) Winchester, appraisal, 1894, Winchester 1890, 1906 61, 62, 63, model 12, 70, 1873, Winchester 1892, 1895, Henry, Remington, Stevens, Marlin, ammunition, bullets, sell on consignment
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