Title: Saddle scabbard for sporting rifle with scope
Homestead Firearms, Winchester, Remington, Colt Rifles of the Old West, antique firearms
Description: A Saddle scabbard for sporting rifle with scope. This is a Hunter scabbard number 412-36. Leather is soft from neatsfoot oil preservation and open end accommodates longer barreled rifles. Straps all tight and no tears in the leather. Snap on end-fla
Old Winchester firearms, or Remington, Colt, Marlin, Savage - Homestead Firearms, Appraisals, Consignments, FFL Services
Keywords: ACCESSORIES!Gun Accessories Saddle scabbard for sporting rifle with scope Winchester, appraisal, 1894, Winchester 1890, 1906 61, 62, 63, model 12, 70, 1873, Winchester 1892, 1895, Henry, Remington, Stevens, Marlin, ammunition, bullets, sell on consignment
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