Title: Henry EVIL ROY Frontier Carbine ( H001TER )
Homestead Firearms, Winchester, Remington, Colt Rifles of the Old West, antique firearms
Description: Henry Repeating Arms has collaborated with Gene Pearcey, more widely known as EVIL ROY, the Overall World and National Cowboy Action Champion and Hall of Fame member, to manufacture the Henry Frontier Carbine Evil Roy Edition. I wanted a great loo
Old Winchester firearms, or Remington, Colt, Marlin, Savage - Homestead Firearms, Appraisals, Consignments, FFL Services
Keywords: HENRY RIFLES!H001 Lever Action Henry EVIL ROY Frontier Carbine ( H001TER ) Winchester, appraisal, 1894, Winchester 1890, 1906 61, 62, 63, model 12, 70, 1873, Winchester 1892, 1895, Henry, Remington, Stevens, Marlin, ammunition, bullets, sell on consignment
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