Henry Scope Base (H006 - Bigboy)
Henry Scope Base (H006 - Bigboy)
Scope base for the Henry Big Boy rifle. This new Picatinny Scope Base is for 2nd Generation Big Boys Receiver Scope Mount (the 2nd generation Big Boys start with the following serial numbers: H006 = BB0047222 H006M = BB0015530M H006C = BB0021188C). This base will fit all 2nd Generation brass models and all steel big boys. All Henry Scope Mounts EASILY accept Weaver style detachable 1 inch top mount rings and these are available as an option. There will be a $5 discount on the scope base for people who have purchased a Henry rifle from Homestead Firearms.

$ 32.00

Weaver 1 inch Scope Rings:

Available: Call for Availablity

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