Title: ~~~SOLD~~~Winchester Model 69A (ref# 673)
Homestead Firearms, Winchester, Remington, Colt Rifles of the Old West, antique firearms
Description: ~~~SOLD~~~ REDUCED $20 - In almost perfect condition, this Winchester 69A comes with a large 10 round magazine. The Model 69A do not have serial numbers, but were made between 1935-1963. The 25 inch barrel on this rifle has over 99% bluing and the
Old Winchester firearms, or Remington, Colt, Marlin, Savage - Homestead Firearms, Appraisals, Consignments, FFL Services
Keywords: WINCHESTER RIFLES!Mod-69A ~~~SOLD~~~ Winchester Model 69A (ref# 673) Winchester, appraisal, 1894, Winchester 1890, 1906 61, 62, 63, model 12, 70, 1873, Winchester 1892, 1895, Henry, Remington, Stevens, Marlin, ammunition, bullets, sell on consignment
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